Event ID:1032558047Presenter(s):Brett Geoffroy.Language(s):English.Product(s):Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.Audience(s):Architect, IT Implem_Infrastructure Spec, IT Implem_IT Generalist, IT Manager, Pro Dev/Programmer and Training - Partners.
At this event, MCSM: SharePoint Program Management will provide a detailed overview for aspiring candidates and their sponsors. Session Objectives:
Understand the goals and offerings of the MCSM: SharePoint program
Understand the program value proposition
Plan preparation for MCSM: SharePointAgenda:
Program Mission & Vision
Program Contents
Program Updates
Training Experience
Preparation Process
Pricing Model
Value Proposition
Q&AFor Additional Information:
MCSM Programs
MCSM: SharePoint
Training Overview & Registration
Exam Overview &Registration
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